In the past, Kansas City homeowners dealt with excess rainwater issues – like yard flooding and wet basements – by installing French drains, dry creek beds or by grading one’s yard to redirect rainwater away from the home. Sometimes those solutions are not practical as there is just no place for heavy rain to runoff without causing damage to the homeowner’s residence or a neighbor’s residence. The drainage professionals at Heinen Landscape now have a new environment-friendly solution for homeowners with serious drainage issues to consider: AquaBlox!
AquaBlox look a bit like high-tech milk crates – but pack a lot more strength. The individual “Blox” interlock and stack in an excavated underground cavity. The entire AquaBlox installation is buried in the home’s backyard – inconspicuously covered with soil and grass. Hidden piping redirects excess rainwater away from the home and into the underground AquaBlox installation. Engineered and manufactured for extreme structural support, each of the Blox is also hollow, creating what is essentially an underground storage tank for rainwater.
Not only do AquaBlox help with drainage problems, they can also be used to enhance the cosmetic appearance of your landscape. Have you dreamed of a beautiful backyard oasis – complete with your own water fountain? AquaBlox can be installed along with a decorative water fountain to create an almost magical waterscape that shoots water up – with water falling back into a below-the-surface AquaBlox installation. The water then recycles through the fountain again and again.
Whether AquaBlox are used to prevent flooding – or in an upcoming hardscape project – the natural landscape benefits. When water is stored underground, the ground retains more moisture – a high enough moisture content for healthy (and economical) plant growth.
Ready to learn more about how AquaBlox can solve your rainwater-drainage problems? Or maybe start planning your own outdoor oasis? Heinen can help! Heinen Landscape and Irrigation is Kansas City’s leader in irrigation, lawn maintenance, lawn-care and landscaping. When you’re ready to take on your next outdoor project, just give Debbie a call at (913) 432-5011 and schedule a no-obligation appointment with a Heinen Landscape pro today!