As the need to take care of our planet increases, Heinen wants to do our part to reduce our carbon footprint. Earth Day is Thursday, April 22nd and to celebrate Earth Month this April, here are a few steps that we have taken to be more eco-friendly.


Electric Mowing – A Quieter, Cleaner Way to Mow

Electric equipment is one way that Heinen Landscape has invested in green resources. Heinen has purchased the “Green Machine” electric mower. The Green Machine lowers noise pollution and Carbon Monoxide fumes. This battery-operated mower is powered by Lithium Energy Modules (LEMs), which allow the mower to operate all day on one charge. As the centerpiece of Heinen’s EFP Lawncare, the Green Machine provides a quieter mowing experience with no CO2 emissions. This professional grade electric mower used by Heinen is also quiet enough that it can barely be heard at a distance of 30 feet.


Recycled Plant Material

Heinen Landscape reduces landfill waste – and the associated trash removal vehicle carbon footprint – by regularly recycling 97% of yard waste materials. Organic yard waste (such as grass trimmings, leaves, tree branches and other plant material), is recycled in an outdoor facility behind our offices through various environmentally sound processes depending on the specific plant material. Tree branches often become mulch, leaves and shrub trimmings become organic plant food. Heinen also recycles concrete, asphalt, limbs and steel from job sites. Heinen also recycles all of our stone, concrete, and steel products from all our patio and retaining wall projects.


Keep it Clean, Keep it Green

The lawncare professionals at Heinen take special care to ensure that our mowers and maintenance tools are as clean as possible at the end of every day. This protects against the spread of any potential turf fungus or disease from one property to another. Heinen Landscape has developed a proprietary clean-treatment solution that is used on our equipment – ensuring customers that their lawns are not at risk of contracting a fungus from other properties. Heinen Landscape takes pride in being environmentally conscious – and being mindful toward the health of your lawn.


Energy Conservation

Lighting your outdoor living space is the perfect way to highlight your biggest investment – your home. No other company in Kansas City has the experience and know how like Heinen when it comes to custom lighting design. There are ways to provide security and design to your outdoor home lighting, while still being environmentally conscious. Smart lighting systems from Heinen use the FX Luminaire to assure lights shine bright when needed – but turn off at nights end. We also use energy-efficient LED bulbs  – consuming less electricity than regular incandescent bulbs and last much longer for less waste.


Ready to help the planet and take exceptional care of your outdoor spaces? Then it might be time to contact the landscape, hardscape and lighting pros at Heinen. Just call Debbie at (913) 432-5011 to schedule a no-obligation consultation.