Your lawn may never recover from a drought and can lead to permanent root damage. Heinen Landscape can guarantee your grass. Let us transform your yard from bleak to beautiful!

Get the Heinen Guaranteed Grass® Total Care Package and a Rachio Smart WiFi Sprinkler Controller!

Grass root systems are drying up as drought conditions in Kansas City continue. Limited snow this winter has made matters worse. Lawns are dying as roots disintegrate – shrubs are browning and even trees are declining.

The experienced professionals at Heinen are the experts in automatic sprinkler system installation AND the leading Turf Pros in the Kansas City area. Heinen can transform your dying lawn into the healthy, thriving yard of your dreams with our Guaranteed Grass Total Care Package:

  • Guaranteed Grass® from Heinen includes lawn irrigation system, seeding, fertilizing, and regular lawn care applications.
  • Heinen Turf Pros will visit your lawn as often as needed between applications to ensure your lawn’s health!
  • Precision over-seeding, tilling and fertilizing
  • Bare-spot and shade grass-growing expertise
  • Leaf clean-up, manicured mowing and lawn grooming

Call Today to get your weekends back and for a free estimate!

(913) 432-5011

Contact Heinen Today