
Guaranteed Grass from Heinen Landscape

By April 13, 2017February 19th, 2019No Comments

KansaHeinen Landscapes City is still recovering from recent historic drought conditions, and we’ll be right back into the dry, hot days of summer before we know it! It’s never too soon to start planning to take back control of your drought or disease damaged grass and start creating the green lawn of your dreams.

The professionals at Heinen Landscape and Irrigation are the leading Turf Pros in the Kansas City area and experts in automatic sprinkler system installation and maintenance. Heinen can help you create an outdoor living area that’s not only hydrated and healthy – but also colorful and vibrant – even throughout the long, hot, and dry days of summer in Kansas City!

You too can have a lush and beautiful lawn all summer long with Heinen’s Guaranteed Grass Package:

•Guaranteed Grass® from Heinen includes a lawn irrigation system, seeding, fertilizing, and regular lawn care applications.

• Heinen Turf Pros will visit your lawn as often as needed between applications to ensure your lawn’s health!

• Reverses long-term effects of drought conditions

• Precision over-seeding, tilling and fertilizing

• Bare-spot and shade grass-growing expertise

• Leaf clean-up, manicured mowing and lawn grooming

• Guaranteed total lawn satisfaction – or your most recent application is free!

Heinen Landscape• Even a low-cost option to upgrade to the Rachio Smart WiFi Sprinkler Controller that allows you to operate your sprinkler remotely – from your smart phone!

No one cares about your lawn’s health like Heinen! Get your lawn and weekends back, with
Guaranteed Grass! ® Give Heinen a call for a no-obligation consultation at (913) 432-5011!