
It’s Dry Out There – Time to Activate Your Irrigation System!

By March 2, 2017February 19th, 2019No Comments

Grass root systems are drying up as drought conditions continue. Limited snow this winter has made matters worse. Lawns are struggling as roots disintegrate – shrubs are browning and even trees are declining.

Heinen LandscapeIt’s a good idea to give your lawn a nice drink of water after such a dry winter. It may seem early, but now is the time to turn your irrigation system back on!

If Kansas City happens to get another freeze, your system won’t be damaged unless actually spraying during freeze. Not only will our Heinen Landscape and Irrigation professionals turn your sprinkler system on, we’ll make any needed adjustments to heads, check for leaks, and take care of any zone coverage issues.

Give Heinen a call to schedule your sprinkler start up for this year! If your property is in need of an irrigation system, it’s never too early to get on our schedule for installations! Call Debbie at (913) 432-5011 and ask her to have one of Heinen’s irrigation specialists come by and give you a no obligation quote!