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Climbing Vines
Ornamental Grass
A rapidly growing groundcover with blue flower spikes in early spring.
Adapted to the heat, drought and humidity of the midwest prairie. Dark green summer foliage. Gold-yellow fall color. Cream colored bark.
Summer, feathery panicled blooms, range in color from white to red to pink.
Red pink flowers. Prefer organic, acidic soil.
Red-pink flowers. Prefers organic, acidic soil.
White flowers. Prefers organic, acidic soil.
A deciduous conifer, has rusty red fall color. Native to wetlands of the south, but is very adaptable to dry climates.
Hardy, low growing shrubby perennial. Pea like foliage and Blue-purple flowers. The showy black seed pods work great for dried arrangements.
Semi evergreen shrub with purple leaf color, yellow flowers in April, thorns.
Black eyed Susan is native to this area and is very easy to naturalize. Large 3-4" deep, golden yellow flowers with black cones.
Rich green, glossy foliage. Ignites with brilliant fall tones, ranging from scarlet to maroon, yellow and orange. Fissured grey bark provides winter interest.
Blue, fern like foliage. Rose pink flowers in early spring.
Evergreen foliage with mounding habit. Holds green foliage through winter.
Evergreen shrub holds green foliage through winter.
Silvery, heart shaped leaves. Blue flowers April to May.
semi evergreen shrub with purple leaf color, yellow flowers in April, thorns.
Bright red blooms in the late summer through fall. Flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Thrives in moist soils.
Low mounding shrub, aromatic foliage, blue summer flowers.
First emerging green leaves completely turn a bright reddish purple in the early summer. White flowers in the spring.
A flowering climbing vine that has flowers in pinks, purple, white and red.
Glossy dark green leaves, sweetly fragrant white flowers. June through August.
Dark green leaves, fragrant red to pink flowers, June through August.
Large group of perennials primarily grown for their colorful foliage. Leaf color ranges from dark purple-black, red and brown to lime green and variegated.
Pale yellow flowers and thread-leaf type foliage. 18-24" tall. Spreading growth habit.
Golden yellow flowers with thread-leaf type foliage. 18-24" tall. Spreading growth habit.
White blooms in the spring, green foliage and bright red fruit in the fall and winter. Upright pyramidal growth habit.
Bright pinkish-red flowers in the spring. Deep purple cutleaf foliage and red fruit in the fall and winter. Upright spreading growth habit.
Pure white flowers, green foliage with yellow fall color. NO FRUIT. Oval shaped growth habit.
New growth emerges reddish green transitioning to dark green. Salmon Pink flowers in the summer.
Semi Dwarf Crapemyrtle. New foliage emerges reddish green transitioning to dark green. Dark purple flowers in the summer.
Evergreen mats of moss-like foliage are covered with bright blooms in early spring. Flowers range from white, red, pink and blues. Great groundcover or rock garden plant.
Deciduous conifer with light green needles. Presents a very bright summer appearance.
A larger Daylily variety with lemon yellow flowers.
Compact growth habit, white flowers in early spring.
Mounding plant with silvery blue, grass-like foliage. Bright magenta-red flowers.
Flowering Dogwood, with red flowers fading to white in the center in early spring. Broadly-pyramidal growth habit. Red fall color.
Flowering Dogwood, with rose-red flowers in early spring. Broadly-pyramidal growth habit but somewhat flat topped. Red fall color.
Flowering Dogwood, with white flowers in early spring. Broadly-pyramidal growth habit but somewhat flat topped. Red fall color.
Small tree or large shrub. White flowers appear in May-June. Red-purple fall color.
Small tree or large shrub. White flowers appear in May-June. Red-purple fall color.
Delicate pink flowers cover the plant in the spring. Upright spreading growth habit with red fall color.
Small rounded tree with pink flowers in April and May.
Arching limbs and a graceful vase shape. Glossy dark green foliage changes to yellow in the fall. Leaves are resistant to elm leaf beetle feeding. Resistant to Dutch Elm Disease.
An evergreen groundcover that is dark green with purple/red fall color.
Dwarf, evergreen shrub with yellow thread like foliage. Slow growing, mounding habit.
A clump forming grass that flowers in May with its white spring plumes.
Hameln Grass is great in masses and grows to 2' including the flower plumes.
Fragrant, creamy white flowers appear in May-June. Has a spreading rounded growth habit. Yellow-orange fall color.
Large blue flowers in the spring. If sheared after blooming, they will rebloom in the summer. Orange-red fall color for added seasonal interest.
Narrow upright pyramidal shape. Striking golden yellow fall color.
Upright, narrow conical shape. Rich green leaves that turn golden yellow in the fall.
Small openly branched, irregularly shaped tree. Yellow flowers in the summer and yellow color in the fall.
Small and rounded, the most compact and formal of the Honeylocust varieties. Wide branch angles resist storm damage. Yellow fall color.
Spreading branches and well behaved form make this a great street tree. Golden Yellow fall color.
Columnar form, the narrowest of the columnar Hornbeams. Dark green foliage with yellow fall color.
Variegated Hosta with creamy white centers and a dark margin. Lavender flower spikes during the summer.
Variegated Hosta with dark green leaves that have a wide cream-white margin. Lavender flower spikes during the summer.
Variegated Hosta with green leaf margin and yellow-gold centers. Fragrant white flowers spike during the summer.
One of the largest Hostas. Gold-yellow leaves are 18" long. Lavender flower spikes during the summer. More tolerant of sun and heat than other Hostas.
Dark green leaves, Large white flowers from June to August.
A mophead Hydrangea blooms on both old and new growth. Blooms repeatedly in summer until frost. Blue flowers in acidid soil.
Large Panicle flowers,creamy white in late summer, mature to chartreuse-lime and then pink in fall.
Oak like leaves, attractive exfoliating bark, bright white elongated flower clusters in late spring through summer, excellent fall color.
Pink flowers with green foliage. Native plant that prefers moist soils. Flowers will attract butterflies.
Distinctive horizontal branches and an open habit. Bright blue berries will attract birds. Juniper Canaertii foliage
Creeping habit. Feathery groundcover with gray-green foliage that turns plum color in the winter.
Narrow, upright pyramidal growth habit. Bright blue berries attract birds in the winter. Juniper Keteleeri foliage
Tall spikes of large, bright purple flowers. Blooms up to 4' above narrow, grass-like foliage.
Small tree with a rounded crown. Creamy white, fragrant flowers are arranged in dense clusters. Yellow Fall color.
Columnar upright growth habit. Yellow fall color and reddish brown bark.
Dark green foliage with yellow fall color. Fragrant yellow flowers in the summer. Reddish Brown bark.
Big Blue has tufted, evergreen, grass like foliage. Violet blue flowers are followed by dark blue berries in the fall.
The leaves are green with cream-yellow margins. Tufted, evergreen, grass like foliage. Purple flowers in the fall.
A native grass that grows in loose clusters and branches out at the top. The leaves are green, blue or purple and turn red-orange in the fall.
Little Quick Fire Hydrangea is an early blooming, typically 1 month before other Hydrangeas, small to medium sized flowering shrub. Early summer white flowers change to pink then red as the summer progresses. This plant will reach 3-5' tall and 3-5' wide and prefers full to partial sun. Little Quick Fire Hydrangea will attract butterflies.
Little Quick Fire Hydrangea is an early blooming, typically 1 month before other Hydrangeas, small to medium sized flowering shrub. Early summer white flowers change to pink then red as the summer progresses. This plant will reach 3-5' tall and 3-5' wide and prefers full to partial sun. Little Quick Fire Hydrangea will attract butterflies.
Beautiful specimen with dark green leaves that are cinnamon brown on the reverse. Large creamy white flowers are long lasting. Evergreen.
Small tree or large shrub. Tulip shaped flowers are reddish purple outside and white inside. Leaves are dark green and somewhat leathery in appearance.
Large, white flowers in the Spring. Upright, rounded growth habit with yellow-bronze Fall color. Magnolia Royal Star flower
White flowers during early summer. Columnar growth habit with dark green leaves. Magnolia Sweetbay flower
An upright to arching ornamental grass. Many different varieties that offer different bloom color, bloom time and mature height.
Small upright, spreading tree with a dense, rounded crown. Red fall color.
Fast growing columnar tree. Orange-red fall color Maple Armstrong in the fall
Drought tolerance and exceptionally bright red fall color are hallmarks of this proven performer. Maple Autumn Blaze in the fall
Upright and compact growth habit. Heat tolerant. Purple foliage throughout the growing season. Maple Red Sunset in the fall
Compact tree with red-purple foliage. Upright rounded growth habit.
Green Cutleaf foliage turns orange in the Fall.
Weeping green lace, leaf form with orange-red Fall color. Maple Japanese 'Waterall' in the Fall
Round headed growth habit. Red-purple fall color. Less cold hardy than most other cultivars. Maple October Glory in the fall
Glossy green summer foliage changes to tints of yellow, red and orange in the fall. Rounded growth habit.
Small tree with oval to round growth habit. This tree is noted for its peeling, cinnamon to reddish brown bark. Dark green leaves turn red in the fall. Maple Paperbark trunk
Vigorous grower with a strong and symmetrical braching pattern. Lustrous, glossy green summer foliage changes to brilliant shades of red and orange-red in the fall. Maple Red Sunset in the fall
Small, rounded tree. Leaves emerge reddish purple in the spring then mature to dark green. Orange-red fall color.
This rapid growing Sugar Maple has thick, heavy leaves with an orange-red fall color. Oval growth habit. Maple Sugar 'Fall Fiesta' in the fall
Sturdy and compact grower with oval growth habit. Thick, dark green summer foliage, turns to a mix of orange, red and yellow in the fall. Maple Sugar 'Fall Fiesta' in the fall
The most reliable of the Sugar Maples in our area. Rounded growth habit. Orange-red fall color.
Dark green foliage and showy bright orange flowers. Attracts pollinators. Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves of this plant.
Foliage emerges lime green with a hint of red. Darkens through the summer and turns to bright shades of red, yellow and orange in the fall.
Compact shrub, red foliage, pink flowers in the spring. Exfoliating bark.
A large and impressive native tree, with a thick trunk and stout branches. Yellow-brown fall color.
A durable and adaptable Oak with handsome glossy foliage. Rounded growth habit. Yellow-brown fall color.
Red Oak is a large, fast growing, broad headed tree. The large leaves turn from a rich green to deep red in the fall.
Pin Oak has a very distinctive growth habit. The branches are horizontally layered with the lower branches angled towards the ground. Orange-red fall color.
Upright, spreading growth habit. Dark green leaves with red fall color.
A beautiful native tree with lustrous, heavily textured green leaves with wavy margins. Tolerant of both wet and drought. Yellow-brown fall color.
Evergreen, fast spreading groundcover with cream white flowers in the spring.
Strong, pyramidal growth habit. White flowers in the spring. Dark green leaves with a wavy edge, become reddish-purple in the fall.
Purple-bronze leaves form low clumps. Pinkish-white flowers from summer into fall.
Peonies have a wide range of very showy flower colors. Make for excellent cut flowers. Most varieties bloom in the late spring.
Has a very slender, colmnar habit. Dense grey-green foliage.
Distinctive, pyramidal shaped Pine with long, twisted, silvery blue-green needles.
A clumping grass that grows 2-3' tall. It turns orange in the fall and cream color in the winter.
Distinctive wine colored flowers. Attractive seedheads in the winter.
Often multi-trunked tree with a rounded crown. Rose-purple flowers in early spring.
Purple leaved cultivar of the popular Redbud. Rose-pink flowers in the early spring.
Small, rounded tree. Purple-pink flowers in early spring.
White blooms, late spring. Broadleaf evergreen.
Lighter peeling bark exposes mottled patches of cream, orange and pinkish tan trunk. Large, glossy, light green leaves with yellow fall color. River Birch Heritage bark
Purple-bronze foliage and an upright pyramidal growth habit. Exfoliating white bark.
White showy bark does not exfoliate like other Birch trees. Bright green leaves change to yellow in the fall. River Birch Whitespire bark
Double Flowers, bright red-pink flowers from spring until frost.
Bright, Red-pink flowers from spring through frost.
Compact groundcover Rose. Peach flowers from spring through frost.
Bright blue-purple flowers that bloom on tall spikes throughout the summer. Fragrant foliage.
Finely cut black-purple foliage. Pink flowers at the end of June, will bear black berries in the fall.
Serbian Spruce is a n incredibly hardy narrow, pyramidal evergreen tree that can reach 50-60' tall and 20-25' wide. It has graceful upward sweeping branches with glossy green needles that have a slender streak of white on the bottom of the needles that give this tree a wonderful slight silvery appearance.
Upright, clump forming small tree our large shrub. White flowers in drooping clusters in the early spring. Finely toothed elliptic medium to dark green leaves turn yellow-red in the fall.
Broad, rounded growth habit. White flowers in the Spring. Deep green foliage turns to red, orange yellow color in the Fall. Serviceberry Autumn Brilliance flower
Large 3" white, yellow centered daisy flowers. Dark green and long, shiny rounded leaves.
Shenandoah Switch Grass is a wonderful ornamental grass that leaves will emerge in the spring with a red tip that will darken through the summer and turn a rich burgundy red in the fall. Airy reddish pink flowers will appear in the summer. With the foliage and flowers remaining intact through the winter months, this ornamental grass will provide a wonderful texture through the winter.
Sharply toothed green foliage covered with pink flowers from late spring through summer. Attractive to butterflies.
Bronze red foliage, deep pink flower clusters.
Upright pyramidal tree that is somewhat smaller that the straight Colorado Blue Spruce. Blue-green needles.
Slow growing pyramidal tree. Needles are much more blue than most other varieties. Has a very blue and feathery appearance.
Upright pyramidal tree with bright, blue-green needles that are very sharp and stiff.
Upright, narrow, columnar habit. Excellent blue color.
Norway Spruce is arguably the best Spruce for our area. It can get very large with arching branches that have drooping branchlets. Dark Green needles.
Very narrow and upright. The needles are more blue than green and stay tight to the branch.
Compact Oriental Spruce with a narrow pyramidal form. Short needles on multiple stems create density as it matures. Light green new foliage matures dark green.
A narrow, pyramidal, spire-like tree with mendant branches that ascend at the tips. Flattened bright green needles have a silvery underside.
A pyramidal accent that should stay under 20' and very narrow. Needles are green on top and silvery blue on the underside.
Dense, low growing plant. Excellent fall color. Leaves are aromatic when crushed.
Dwarf, golden leaved Sumac. Excellent fall color.
A clumping upright grass that has blue-green foliage.
Large glossy green, wrinked leaves. Large spikes of deep, violet-blue flowers in the summer.
Dark green leaves. Deep red buds in the spring open to pinkish-white fragrant flowers in snowball like clusters. Black berries in the late summer.
Glossy green leaves. Large, fragrant white flowers to red berries, ripen to black in April.
Purple foliage. Pink flower clusters in late spring and repeat bloom in summer.
Brilliant 3-4" pure white flowers. Golden centers from early to late summer.
Compact, rounded growth habit. White flowers in the early spring.
The new growth on this amazing shade tree stats out bright red, then turns to a dark green. In the fall, this tree once again turns wonderful shades of Yellow, Orange, Red and Burgundy. The Wildfire Blackgum is a great shade tree for smaller residential properties. It will mature to 30-50' tall and 20-30' wide with a pyramidal growth habit.
Weeping habit, golden stems and dark green glossy foliage.
Showy cascades of fragrant white pea-like blooms, spectacular in May and June. Yellow Fall color.
The Yellowwood tree is a low branched shade tree with a rounded canopy. The tree will mature to 30-50' tall and 30-50' wide. White flowers in Mid May provide a showy display giving way to green foliage and striking Yellow fall color.
Lustrous dark green foliage on spreading compact habit.
Globe shaped shrub, with lustrous dark green foliage.
Compact, upright, columnar shrub. Lustrous dark green foliage.
Vase shaped growth habit. Finer textured green foliage changes to orange in the fall.